How to Point GoDaddy Domain To Bluehost? 5 minute Step by Step guide

In this post, I’m gonna solve the most common issues people face that How to point the GoDaddy domain to Bluehost?

Trust me pointing the domain to your Bluehost hosting account is not the hard step and I’m going to share the whole process step by step with screenshots in this post.

So first off I assume that you have chosen your Bluehost plan and activated your account.

So basically, you need to replace the GoDaddy default nameservers with Bluehost name servers. And then within a few hours, the domain will be pointed.

So in this post, I’ll focus on some common issues that have the same solution,

  1. I have a GoDaddy Domain now what?
  2. Pointing GoDaddy domain to Bluehost
  3. Changing Nameservers
  4. Pointing multiple domains to Bluehost
  5. How to Point Google Domain to Bluehost?

Let me explain each one in detail,

Point GoDaddy domain to Bluehost

So, if you are having a domain at GoDaddy and hosting with Bluehost then it is a must to point your domain to Bluehost in order to create a website on that domain.

1. I have a GoDaddy Domain now what?

If you already have a GoDaddy domain then you need to point that domain to your web hosting account. After pointing the domain you can install WordPress on that domain in order to create your website on that domain.

Till now, if you only have a domain and not having a hosting account then it means you have only the name of your forthcoming website.

Now the question is where your website is living till now?


(because you don’t have any web hosting account yet, a web hosting account is a place where your website lives on the internet)

So, if you don’t have a web hosting account yet, then I highly recommend you go for Bluehost.

Bluehost is the most reliable, highly secure, and officially recommended by WordPress.

You can have web hosting for as low as $3.95/month with this discount link. You’ll be saving up to 63% on your purchase with a Free SSL certificate which you can later install for your website.

2. Step by step Pointing GoDaddy Domain to Bluehost

Now, in this case, you have a GoDaddy domain and a Bluehost hosting plan and to point that domain to your Bluehost hosting account, you simply need to replace the nameservers of your Bluehost account with GoDaddy’s default.

For this, you’ll need,

  1. GoDaddy default nameservers (from your GoDaddy account)
  2. Bluehost name servers
  3. Changing the GoDaddy nameserver by Bluehost Nameservers

Let’s start,

  • How to change the name server in GoDaddy?

Log in to your GoDaddy account, go to your Product section and select the domain you wish to point to your hosting account.

Here you’ll see a “Manage” button like in the screenshot below, click on it

Point GoDaddy domain to Bluehost

Now on the next screen click on the DNS manager section and there you will see a nameserver section.

Here you might be seeing GoDaddy default nameservers

Point GoDaddy domain to Bluehost

Now click on using the custom NS “Change” button and then replace these GoDaddy nameservers with Bluehost name servers i.e.

  GoDaddy default Nameserver Bluehost Nameservers
While changing please be cautious about the Nameserver sequence

That’s it, after replacing the nameservers it will take anywhere between 5 minutes to 24 hours to propagate the changes globally.

Now the next step is to log in to your Bluehost account and add this domain and install WordPress from website tools inside your Bluehost cPanel.

4. Pointing multiple domains to Bluehost

If you have more domains and want to point them to Bluehost then you need to follow the same process shown above.

But for each domain, you have to change GoDaddy default nameservers and put your Bluehost nameservers individually (this will be the same for each domain).

Here is a helpful video

5. How to Point Google Domain to Bluehost?

Log into your Google domains account and replace the Google nameservers with Bluehost nameservers. Then it will take 5 minutes to 24 hours for changes to reflect.

No matter, if you have purchased domain and hosting from different companies to point the domain to the hosting you have to replace domain name servers by hosting nameservers.


I hope now you have learned how to point the GoDaddy domain to Bluehost hosting.

And I’m sure you have got to learn about pointing domain from any registrar to any hosting company

If you are facing any issues while pointing the GoDaddy domain to Bluehost let me know in the comment section. I’ll be happy to assist you.

While purchasing a domain from GoDaddy, know whether Domain Privacy Protection worth it or not?

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