How To Create Stunning Pins Quickly with Tailwind Create

(“This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you choose to click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. I was also compensated to create this post, though all opinions are my own.”)

Using Tailwind for Pinterest marketing is always a wise choice. Tailwind helps you in auto pinning, scheduling, and looping your old pins on regular intervals and that’s all you want to stay consistent on Pinterest.

As always Tailwind aspires to launch new tools and features to help bloggers and entrepreneurs to help marketing their business on Pinterest.

If you are still unaware of Tailwind then let me tell you Tailwind is an official Pinterest partner that lets you schedule your pins on Pinterest.

Today, I’m so excited to tell you that Tailwind has recently introduced the most-awaited and most demanded feature i.e. “Tailwind Create”.

What is Tailwind Create?

Tailwind Create is a tool that the Tailwind team has developed to create and design a number of pins quickly and schedule a handful out of them within the Tailwind dashboard in one click.

Tailwind Create Dashboard

Until now, the process of scheduling pins involves many steps i.e. creating pins on different software and then download them and upload them to the Tailwind to schedule them.

But with the launching of “Tailwind Create,” has cut the middle process and now you can design multiple pins with a set of different headings and subheadings within seconds inside your Tailwind account.

Moreover, you can also edit any of the design templates suggested by the Tailwind Create tool with an edit button below each pin. (I’ll show you how, later in this post)

Why should you use Tailwind Create?

There isn’t any reason not to use such a vibrant tool unless you have plenty of time designing pins for your business.

However, I must list some of the unbeatable advantages you would have with the “Tailwind Create”.

Save Time:

With Tailwind Create you can design a number of pins within seconds. Just select your brand colors, put your headings, subheading, and CTA in the fields, and upload an image. Within seconds the AI of the tool creates tons of combinations of heading and images in a form of pins. Then select the pins you think are the most attractive and schedule them.

Save Money:

If you’ve hired a VA then there is no more need of outsourcing your Pin creations task.

Premium Templates:

This is such a noticeable thing that the designs which Tailwind Create suggests are all kinds of premium-looking designs. Which I consider a great advantage of using Tailwind Create.

Ease of pin Scheduling process:

If you’re already familiar with Tailwind’s other awesome features then you would surely love the new “Tailwind Create”. Just because there is no more need of using other software or pin designing apps. You can choose pins designed by Tailwind Create and schedule them within Tailwind in no time.

(Now you have tons of pins designed and you can schedule all of them but I highly suggest, do not try to exceed the handful limit of scheduling pins per day. Try to schedule in between 15-25 pins a day. Try not to be spammy)

You have full control:

In the beginning, I thought that I would have to select the designs which Tailwind Create suggests, and if I want I could not edit. But I was wrong!

You have full control over the designing part. If Somehow you want to add or modify any of the pin designs then you surely can. Just click the “Edit” button underneath the individual pins and start customizing the pins.

Tailwind Create Editor

So, there are also countless advantages that come with Tailwind. Now let me show you how you can use Tailwind Create and start designing pins.

If you have such a feature-loaded tool then you can save a lot of time and can focus on other business growing tasks and make more money through Pinterest.

How to Quickly Create hundreds of Pins using Tailwind Create

Step 1: Login/ Signup to Tailwind:

If you already have a Tailwind subscription then login to your account or you can sign up here for a free Tailwind account.

However, you can upgrade the Tailwind Create plan anytime for more pin designs allowed per month.

Step 2: Head Over to Tailwind Create Dashboard

When you click on the Brush button then you’ll be presented with a dashboard to set your brand colors and fonts (to keep your pin designs consistent), and this would also reduce the steps in the designing part.

Tailwind Create

However, if you want to design some pins other than your branding colors and fonts, then you still have options to change them (in the left panel of Tailwind Create Dashboard).

Tailwind Create Edit

Step 3: Select the designs

Now Tailwind Create will use different combinations and create thousands of designs to select among them. Once you select the designs you can further edit them, through an edit button below that image. (see below I have created pins for my post about Pinterest Marketing Strategies for eCommerce brands)

Tailwind Create Image Suggestions

Or for a quick change, you can tap on “try on different looks” and tap on “colors, photo, layout” to tweak the designs of your selected pins.

Tailwind Create_

Once you finalized the design, click on the schedule button right bottom of the page.

Step 4: Schedule pins

Now, when you tap on schedule pins, the pin goes to the pin scheduling section of the Tailwind dashboard. 

Tailwind Schedule

There you can assign them to go in your different Pinterest boards timely.


Tailwind Create comes as a savior for Tailwind users or Pinterest marketers. I personally can say that Tailwind Create is a great alternative to any of the photo editing or pin designing software.

Apart from all the benefits that I’m getting with the Tailwind Create, the most beneficent thing is this tool has reduced the steps of designing part also this is a huge saving for my time and money.

I hope this post has given you the proper understanding of Tailwind Create and also you’ve got to know how to use the tool.

If you’re a blogger and Pinterest Marketer I highly recommend do use Tailwind for pinning on Pinterest and leverage the additional benefit of Tailwind Create.

Let me know your thoughts about Tailwind Create.

Tailwind Create

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