How to Boost Website Speed by Hosting gtag.js Locally

Site optimization in 2021 has become easier than in the past years if you follow the guidelines and the right tools.

Site loading speed is one of the severe headaches of site owners when it comes to site optimization for SEO.

The all-new core web vitals combines a bundle of various parameters that Google uses to measure the quality of any site. So they rank accordingly in Google.

The Google Analytics tracking script, bad coding, CSS, and fonts are the ones responsible for increasing the server load which results in the slow loading speed of your site.

In order to qualify the Core Web Vitals criteria, the prominent solution is your site should load lightning fast so no loading or Cummulative layout shift issue occurs.

So do whatever you can to reduce the scripts, CSS and host fonts locally.

Today I have a great solution that MonsterInsights has brought for bloggers and site owners.

How MonsterInsights Performance Add-on reduce the Site loading Speed?

If you want better ranking then you have to follow what Google suggest (or force you to do). This is fair as Google wants to show the best sites on top of the search results.

If you believe that your site’s content deserves to be ranked first then your site has to follow all the ranking factors along with the Core Web Vitals.

But do you know Google’s own tracking script sometimes affects the loading speed.

When you place gtag.js (Google Analytics Tracking Script) in your site’s header section then every time someone visits any of your website’s page the site has to load some external resources that occur from gtag.js script.

This is how gtag.js works.

So what would you do?

MonsterInsights Performance Addon

If you’re following my articles for a while then you probably be using the MonsterInsights plugin (The World’s best Google Analytics WordPress plugin).

With the updated MonsterInsights 7.18 version the tracking scripts that your site loads will be changed and optimized for the best speed.

Though the MonsterInsights tracking script already loading fast but to satisfy the Core Web Vitals parameters the team has tweak the way of how scripts load.

These minor changes in the plugin have given the revolutionary results in term of Site loading speed.

It is already suggested that hosting fonts and scripts locally can dramatically increase the loading speed of a given site and optimize it for the Core Web Vitals.

Hence, the team has updated their performance Addon and include the option to host the Google Analytics script locally.

By hosting gtag.js locally your site doesn’t have to request external resources to load, rather it will be loaded lightning fast due to internal server requests which reduce the loading time.

Additionally, MonsterInsights performance Add-on automatically fetches the updated gtag.js files every 24 hours, so there will be no leg in speed or data.


Every website owner uses gtag.js to measure and have full control over their site analytics. But many of us remain unaware of the problems it may cause in loading speed.

But with the updated MonsterInsights Performance Addon you will be assured that gtag.js will no longer crunch the site speed.

Many bloggers or site owners don’t know how to host gtag.js locally to reduce the site speed, but with the latest update, it has become much easier even for a non-techy person.

I highly recommend you to use the MonsterInsights plugin for your site.

Let me know if you have any doubts.
