Do you accept donations through your website? Are you looking for an easier solution for accepting donations from your potential sponsors?
If yes! then this post is completely dedicated to you.
Let me tell you if you have simpler and easy-to-follow steps for donation then your sponsors are more likely to donate to your organization.
In this post, I’ll walk you through how you can create a donation form using WpForms, integrate with a payment gateway, and how you can streamline the whole process.
So let’s get started,
How to Create a Donation form
It’s really easy to create a donation form if you follow the steps.
Step 1: Donation Form Creation
The first thing is to have a WpForms plugin installed. If you have installed it previously then it’s okay or you can install it here.
Now, head over to Add New section, name your form and click on Donation Form.
Step 2: Customizing the form
Your form is created now on the next screen you’ll have tons of options to edit and design your form with required fields.
On the basic form, you’ll have the Name, Email, Donation Amount, and Message fields. But you can customize and edit more options by dragging and dropping more fields from the left panel.
Moreover, there is only one option where a sponsor will have to put the amount that he wants to donate but you can also use pre desired amount or dropdown choice for sponsors to choose from.
For this, drag the Multiple Items field from the left panel and place it above the Donation amount field.
Step 3: Configure the Donation Form Settings
In this section, you’ll have tons of options to configure the settings of your Donation form.
Head over to Settings>> General
Here you can set all your general settings like form name, description, button text, GDPR enhancements, etc.
Now move onto Notifications
Here you can enable notifications for you i.e. you’ll receive a notification every time when someone makes a donation using WpForms.
Moreover, If you use Smart Tags, you can also send a notification to the sponsors letting them know that their amount is donated successfully and you have received the amount.
Now Configure Confirmation settings,
To Set up this, click on the Confirmation tab and select the Confirmation type from the drop-down menu, (as shown in the image we have selected “message”)
After that, you can customize the confirmation message and click the save button.
That’s it.
Now Integrate the Payment Gateway,
With WpForms, you can integrate either Paypal/Stripe or both for accepting donations.
To configure the payment settings you’ll have to install and activate the right payment add-on.
Check out how to install the Paypal add-on and activate it. (The Process remains pretty similar for Stripe also)
I assume you have integrated the payment gateway of your choice. It’s time to connect your donation form to your website.
Step 4: Add your Donation form to your website
Now after creating a donation form, you need to add it to your website. With WpForms you have multiple choices to add this form to your website.
You can add it to your blog posts, pages, or in the sidebar. If you are looking to add a form on your blog post or page then you’ll have the option to add a new form inside the editor.
Step 5: Sink your donation form with your email list
Connect your donation with an email marketing service provider like Mailchimp or GetResponse etc.
This way you’ll have an option to keep your donors updated with your organization’s events.
How To Create Multi-Page Forms – Step by Step Guide
Have you ever thought about why visitors who land on your page give up too soon?
Well! One main reason is that your website has a lengthy form that most visitors find annoying and tiresome. The simplest solution to this problem is to split your form into multiple pages. This not just increases user engagements but also boosts conversion rate, which ultimately brings more profit.
If you think that creating a multiple-page form is an uphill task, then you’re wrong. The entire process is easy and is divided into seven steps.
The following mentioned below are seven steps of creating a multiple-page form on a website.
1. Install and Activate the Plugin
The first and foremost important step is installing and activating the WPForms. Upon installation, go to WPForms and click on Add New to make a new form.
It’s the WPForm that splits your form into multiple pages. With a new form created, name it and select the template you want to use.
Templates vary for different forms you wish to create. Here we will make a contact form, so; we’ll select the contact form template. Use the drag and drop builder feature to add additional sections in the form.
2. Split the Form
After selecting the template by adding the Page Break option, you can divide the form into multiple pages. Like the drop and drag builder option, it’s done using fancy fields and extending the Page Break field.
3. Modify Progress Bar
You need to make the visitors aware of how much form is left, and for this, you need to make changes in the progress bar. Firstly, click on the first-page break section.
A panel will appear in the form editor, and from here you can select the progress bar of your choice. Similarly, if you customize the next page, tap on a page break. Click on the save button to save all settings.
4. Design Form Settings
Click on settings and then visit general settings to set up form name, description, spam avoidance, submit button text, and GDPR enhancements. The function of these settings are as follow:
- Form Name: You can change the name of the form if you want
- Description: Describe briefly what the form is all about.
- Prevents Spam: Because of increasing cyber-attacks, use the ReCaptcha or honeypot option to avoid forms of spam.
- Submit Button Text: Change the copy on the submit button.
- GDPR Enhancements: It prevents you from storing any sensitive information regarding the user like their IP address.
Don’t forget to save all these settings.
5. Configure Notifications
Go to settings and then the notification bar to configure notification settings. Set the notification ON to receive alerts whenever someone submits a form.
To make the clients feel more valued, you can use Smart Tags when users submit their forms by sending them an email notification that their response has been recorded.
6. Configure Form Confirmations
There are three ways to appreciate visitors’ efforts to fill out the form. It’s up to you which one to choose. Visit settings and then confirm. You’ll be shown three options.
- Message
- Go to URL
- Show Page
Click on the confirmation type and finally add a new confirmation.
7. Add Form to Your Website
In the last step, add this multiple-page form to your website. Visit the update setting option, click on it inside the first block, and finally add the WPFormsicon.
Wrapping up
Multiple-page form improves user experience and helps in making more money than expected.
You can also collect clients’ information and use relevant information like email addresses and contact details for later marketing purposes.
By following these steps above, you can quickly create multiple-page forms for your website and enjoy the wonders it offers.
Sign up for the WPForms here and start creating multiple page forms now.
How to Create a WordPress Order Form?
If you’re looking to create order forms for your WordPress site, you are in the right place. In this post, we’re going to tell you five quick steps to develop WordPress order forms. The steps are described below:
1. Create a Simple Order Form by Using WordPress Plugins
The first step is to download and activate the WordPress plugin i.e. WPForms. Click on WPForms and then on Add New button. A setup page will be displayed, which shows different form templates. Select the one which says Order Form
Now you have to modify the form. On the right side of the template, you will see the available items section. Click on it, and it will open up the Fields Options. The primary purpose of the field option is to name, rename, add, delete any item, or change its price.
Below the items option, there is another option of Use Images. If you wish to add images, then click on this check and include relevant images.
When you’re done with all these things, click on the Save button.
2. Change Your Form Notifications
There are two ways of sending a notification to your clients when you receive their order. The first one is the automatic notification that the WPF does for itself. In case it doesn’t, then it’s because you have to disable form notifications.
Notifications are a great way to interact with your customers. You can use the smart tags option for this purpose. They make customers realize how good you are at dealing with clients.
Secondly, WordPress allows you to send order Notifications to any member of your team, so you don’t miss out on any order.
To change the form notification setting, click on the settings tab > Notifications.
A default notification page will appear. Click on the Show Smart Tags option.
Where it is written, Send to Email Address, click on it, and then on Email so a notification can be sent to the particular email address you have made the order.
You can more customize the notifications by adding email subject, reply to, and personalized message.
3. Change Your Form Confirmation Settings
WordPress offers two settings for configuration. One is the notification that we discussed above, and the other is the form configuration setting. Form configurations are messages that confirm the order. There are three ways of configurations, all of which are discussed below:
- Message: It is a default type of order confirmation. When this setting is enabled, a simple message appears on the screen of the customers that their order has been placed.
- Redirect URL: When the order is placed, it takes customers to a different website.
- Show Page: The customers are taken to a web page that thanks them for placing an order on their site.
To configure the order confirmation settings, click on settings > confirmation > confirmation type > select the kind of approval as described above.
Once you’re done, click on the Save button.
4. Enable the Payment Setting Option
While creating a simple WPForm, you also need to add the payment option as well. WPForms allows three payment processors, I.e., Authorize. Net, PayPal, and Stripe. Adding a payment option minimizes the risk of abandonment.
To enable this setting, in the main menu, at the bottom, there is a payment option. Click on it and add the most suitable payment option according to your wish.
If you’re creating a WPForm without a payment option, then you should skip this step. Not adding this step means payments will be made when the order will be received.
5. Add Your Form to Your Website
In the last step, you have to add the order form to your website. Go to the main menu bar > appearance > widgets. Add the widget to the sidebar > choose order form > click on the Save button.
Hopefully, all these steps might help you in making order forms for your business website. Don’t wait anymore, and practice all of them to see how your business boosts up.
Sign up for WPForms here and start creating order forms.
Recommended: How to Automate your work with Zapier and WPForms
How to create Conversational forms for WordPress without coding
Do you have any upcoming surveys with an endless list of questions? Is your survey or site facing form abandonment likely because the questions are too many?
If you are facing any of these situations, you can attest that it is a real thorn in the flesh.
The good news?
The conversational forms are here for your rescue.
Conversation forms for WordPress are designed in a way to trick the users into completing the form unknowingly. It sounds problem-solving, right?
Even better, here is an in-depth discussion of the conversational forms about how to create, and where to apply them.
What are Conversational forms?
Neuroscientist suggests that what makes most people leave a task underway is fear or when dealing with a massive workload at go. That has been attributed to the form abandonment also.
Actually, most feedbacks from the form users insinuate that after skimming over the form, which has a lengthy list of questions, there are likely to abandon it.
What was the purpose of the above discussion? That is because it highlights some fundamental problems that the conversational forms solve.
Conversational forms are a type of form designed to make the online forms more interactive and take an approach of asking one question at a time, while filling out such forms, users find that they are chatting with someone, hence the forms can yield a good conversion rate.
An example of Conversational forms by WPForms–
Also, You can expect to have more leads generated through such conversation forms.
The conversational form is a great addon by WPForms which gives an interactive form layout design and delivers a human-like interface.
In fact, it acts as if the user is chatting with the server, which is giving the replies.
For instance, unlike other form types, the conversational forms do not present all the form questions at once.
Instead, they present the next question after the previous question is answered, which is more similar to the face-to-face conversation.
>>> Check out the demo of Conversational forms <<<
The cool part?
Being a WPForms addon, you are free to use all the WPForms features including Smart form logic and other marketing integrations for your conversational forms.
Conversation forms for WordPress are less overwhelming and more fun and you can also collect more personal information from your customers to offer them better services.
Differences between Conversational and static forms
As its name suggests, static forms have a fixed structure. That is, they are rendered once, hence hindering the human interaction interface.
Now to the main business “how the questions are presented in both form types”.
The conversational forms by WPForms question presentation are dynamic, that is, rather than asking all the questions at once, they will present a question at a time, giving a face-to-face conversation approach.
In contrast, static forms do not support dynamic question presentation. Consequently, the presentation of the question is static. That is, all the questions are presented at once.
The approach used in the forms-
Conversational forms use a face-to-face approach. Thus, making them dynamic, which increases the conversational rates and form completion.
On the other hand, static forms have a causal approach. This mostly discourages the form users and reduces the level of engagement to the site. In fact, some argue that it presents an exam-like feeling.
Lastly, while using the conversational forms, the user will see only one question at a time. Though for the static forms, the user can access all the questions and choose to start with any.
Advantages of conversational forms
Below are some of the advantages of using conversational forms to trick the users into filling the form;
1. Increased attention
Do you remember how the questions are presented in the conversation forms?
Due to this dynamic way of question presentations, they work well in increasing the user’s attention when giving the answers.
View it this way; the questions are presented one at a go. Resultantly, the user will have only one question to answer before the next question.
That is unlike the static forms where the user can view all the questions.
2. Creates trust
Static or traditional forms focus on maintaining the preciseness of the information. Consequently, they are likely to give low priority to the use of graciousness.
However, due to the way the questions are presented in conversational forms, they give a more intimate feel to the users.
Actually, due to the dynamic responses, you can enhance the forms by using gracious words, which increases the trust of the forms of users.
The point?
As a result of the intimate feel of the user, they are likely to fill up the forms. Thus it is suitable for the collection of sensitive data.
3. Conversational forms are engaging
Honestly, the conversation forms can be liked when chatting with someone.
As a result, they improve user engagement and the user feels that they’ve got someone eagerly waiting for their feedback.
4. No need for separate spam prevention measures
Do you enjoy filling the CAPTCHA when assessing a site? For me, I once left a site just because their captcha was obscure, and worse, I had to repeat it severally.
Honestly, that is not a different case for most other peoples.
What do I mean?
As much as captcha filling is essential for security, the experience is not pleasant at all.
Using a conversational form disqualifies the need for CAPTCHA filling. Due to its dynamic nature, it does not require extra spam prevention techniques.
The bottom-line?
Generally, the conversational forms focus on increasing the conversational rates. That is by keeping the users engaged and giving them a face-to-face interaction. Consequently, decreasing the form filling abandonment rates.
Demerits of conversational forms
1. They aren’t human
Let’s be honest, as much as the conversational forms give a human feel, they aren’t human at all. They are predefined to give specific answers to expected questions.
If the conversation takes a different turn rather than the one the system is prepared for, the user will not get the right answer.
2. One question at a go
Some people would prefer to view all the questions before starting to fill the form. Worse, some people hate the feeling of being left in suspense of what’s the next question.
How to create a conversational form
In the past, the creation of conversational was challenging.
Luckily, due to the support of the WPForms extensions, creating conversational forms has been made easier.
The good news?
With a WordPress WPForms plugin, you can create a conversational form easily and without coding.
First, install the WPForms plugin, and follow the given instructions to activate.
Now that it is activated, go to WPForms support, then to Settings, and verify the license key.
Lastly, go to the WPForms addons page in WPForms, and install the conversational forms. That’s it, you have created a responsive conversational form.
Through the dashboard, you can customize your conversational forms with different colors, messages, and logos, etc.
Where can conversational forms be used?
Conversational forms are mostly used for lead forms. That is because the lead forms capture very personal information from their potential customers.
- Survey forms– conversational forms are much preferred for survey forms due to the high number of questions expected.
- Contact forms– this is the common type of lead form. Conversational forms have increased levels of trust; hence the user can readily disclose the correct contacts.
- Job application– still, job application forms require very sensitive data. Consequently, the use of conversational forms helps in increasing the trust of the user for more honest responses.
- User registration– due to the vastly improved conversational rates, you will not regret using the conversational forms for registration.
- Event planning– if you are an event planner, then you value in-depth details. Consequently, likely to ask personal and many questions. However, with the conversational forms, you will get your way out before even the client realizes.
Conclusion- Conversational forms
Conversational forms by WPForms are the best alternative to Typeforms just because you can have almost similar features for less price.
WPForms form has rescued the businesses from facing the form abandonments and helping them generate more leads.
They work by providing a human-like interaction where the questions are presented in steps. So, what are you waiting for, sign up for the WPForms here and start generating more leads and improve your conversion rate?
Wrapping up
So I hope you’ve got to know how to create and add a donation form to your website and give an easy way to your sponsors to donate to your organization.
- Also, read Essential blogging tools to supercharge your blog.
WpForms made form creation really easy for the non-techie persons also. With the plugin, you also have tons of options to create different types of forms.
If you’re not using the Plugin I recommend you give this form builder a try, you’ll thank me for this.
Signup for WpForms here
Hey Faizan Ali ,
Great post with effective steps to create donation forms.
It is my first time commenting on your blog post and i must say that you have done a fantastic work and suggested helpful steps to create donation forms.
Installing WpForms plugin is truly essential for creating donation forms.
Your each of the suggested steps are so clear, easy to understand and follow, whereas following the steps will be helpful and allows several user to create donation forms.
Truly helpful post and thanks for sharing.